Clip DescriptionAngel felt that it had been far too long since a bagging had been done (wtf?), So that was the new session to be done. Dem, not one to argue these things, opted to agree with angel, and humor her fantsy. With a little twist - she was going to be tied into a hogtie and a ********* hogtie at that...
everything was going as planned, until dem decided to do a little fucking around, and might have intentionally not noticed her safe-word/safe sign right away, as well as done the big no-no of performing a little hom over the bag while angel was occupied with finding air...
thank goodness there was multiple bags being used, so she had a break now and then... Kinda...
anyone wanting to know my real first name that doesn't know it already, lucky you. Angel screams it out in panic a few times at the start of this video. That's when you know she is really at her limit...
Clip Duration: 14 minutes |
Format | Size | wmv | 106.56 MB |
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